Carer Voice

Carer Voice

Carers can be a forgotten community when key decisions are being made and they often only receive support when they have reached a crisis point.

In order to make caring easier, we regularly provide opportunities for family carers of all ages to have their voices heard in a range of ways including:

  • local boards and focus groups
  • national surveys and consultations
  • local and national awareness-raising projects
  • arranging meetings with MPs to make them aware of topical issues
  • awareness-raising sessions for professionals and the community – helping organisations such as schools, hospitals and employers to be more carer-friendly.

If you would be interested in helping to raise awareness of, and improve support for, family carers please contact us on 01480 499090 or email [email protected]

You can also see other opportunities to take part in surveys and consultations other organisations are doing.

In Norfolk, we have Norfolk Young Carers Forum. This project gives young carers and young adult carers across Norfolk the chance to raise awareness and help improve support for young carers and their families. Find out more about this project.

In Huntingdonshire, we have supported young carers to raise awareness of their needs in their local community, including their schools, empowering the young people to take the lead. For example, they have planned and delivered assemblies, organised charity football matches and put on a cake sale.

In Peterborough, we have given carers of all ages the opportunity to link in with their local Carers Partnership Board so that their lived experience can help improve services and support for other carers.

We have also given Adult Carers of someone with dementia across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough the opportunity to take part in national studies and consultations about their experiences.

Young carers and young adult carers have also taken part in national projects/initiatives, working with organisations such as:

  • Carers Trust (around identification of young carers and transitions for Young Adult Carers)
  • The Children’s Society (around support for young carers in schools, experience of services and the issue of debt)
  • NSPCC around bullying
  • NHS England about improving identification and support of young carers within health settings.

Page last modified: 23 July 2024