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Norfolk Befriending Service volunteer with carer

Have your say on services for unpaid carers in Peterborough

21 June 2024

Are you an unpaid carer in Peterborough? Peterborough City Council are asking for your feedback on the services available to carers to help them help them improve services and shape what support may look like in the future. You can click here to see the Peterborough Unpaid Carers Service Survey. The survey is open until 1 […]

State of Caring Survey 2024

Give your views in the State of Caring survey

18 June 2024

The role of unpaid carers needs to be given much more recognition, and carers should be given more support. The State of Caring survey is an important way for you, as a carer, to have your say on issues that affect you. What is said is then used by Carers UK and others to campaign […]

Lady with computer

Project looking into support for dementia carers

17 June 2024

If you are supporting a family member living with dementia you may find yourself experiencing worries or distress. Research is being done into whether online support is helpful in improving your psychological wellbeing. And you can sign up to see if this support is beneficial to you. The research being done by the University of […]

NHS logo

Carers invited to give views on the NHS Constitution

3 June 2024

People are being asked to give their views on new NHS Constitution as part of a 10 year review. And for those of us who are looking after someone, this is an important opportunity to have our voices heard as subjects including unpaid carers being involved in decisions that are being are part of what […]

Cost of living

Carer’s Allowance must be overhauled – your voice is needed

24 May 2024

We are joining with Carers UK, Carers Trust, MPs and others in calling for Carers Allowance to be completely overhauled. And you can add your voice to those saying the outdated and inadequate approach to the benefit must change. Whatever happens in the General Election this summer we will continue join with other carer organisations […]

APPG logo

Important opportunity to give your views on a National Carers Strategy

28 February 2024

A cross-party group of MPs and Peers have launched survey to gather the views of unpaid carers and organisations who represent them on their proposal for the UK Government to develop a new National Carers Strategy. The survey is open to current and former unpaid carers, as well as to organisations who support and represent […]


Music therapy – Are you caring for someone with dementia?

12 December 2023

A research team from Anglia Ruskin University are looking for people to participate in a focus group. They are interested in peoples’ experiences of staying on a dementia care ward and would like to speak to people living with dementia, their relatives or carers. They are particularly interested in techniques used to prevent or alleviate distress, […]

Carer voice and involvement

Carer Council – ensuring your voices are heard

1 December 2023

Caring Together’s Carer Council is an important part of carers having their voices heard in how Caring Together works, and further afield. We want to bring you up to date on the latest meeting – and to let you know how you can give views to Caring Together and the council. An important way you […]

Healthwatch Cambridgeshire logo2

Share your experiences of healthcare services

9 November 2023

Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough have launched a survey on 1 November 2023 to gather people’s experiences of accessing Primary Care services, such as GP services. This survey, which will be open until 17 December 2023 is being conducted independently by Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough with the support of NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough. NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough […]


Have your say on the Norfolk All Age Autism Strategy for 2024 – 2029

18 October 2023

The Norfolk Autism Partnership Board (NAPB) has put in place an Autism Strategy Reference Group to refresh the Norfolk All Age Autism Strategy. The NAPB includes autistic people, parents, carers and professionals working in healthcare, social care, education, voluntary organisations, the police and Healthwatch. Norfolk’s first All Age Autism Strategy was put in place to make […]