Looking for a new job?

We have full-time and part-time opportunities available! Click below to find out more.

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Looking for a new challenge?

Sign up to take part in a fun activity to raise money for unpaid carers.

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Raising awareness

Not sure if you are an unpaid carer? Click below to discover what an unpaid carer's role can include and how we can support you.

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We need you!

Have you signed up to our Carer Friendly Tick Award yet? Click below to find out more

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Our vision is a world with no unpaid carer in crisis, isolated or struggling alone.

You can join us in working to make this vision a reality for people who are looking after a family member or friend.


Homecare for adults

Homecare for adults ranging from in their own home to day centres

Care worker and a lady she supports
carer support worker providing respite activity for seven year old boy

Children and young people

Support for children and young people in their home and community


Support for carers

Including emergency planning to carers hubs where you can meet other unpaid carers


Young carers and young adult carers

Support for young carers aged 5 to 25



Help more unpaid carers get the support they need.



We raise money so we can support more unpaid carers, as we believe no unpaid carer should be in crisis,

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Locations map

Day and night,
we'll always be there

Many of our staff are or were carers and they understand how important it is that they are sensitive to your needs. Everyone’s roles are important in making the charity run smoothly and effectively.


A new AI-enabled carer support platform; Bridgit, has just launched!

February 10, 2025

CPFT recognised for best practice in carer support

January 29, 2025

Meet two of our amazing Volunteers: Tom and Kay

January 27, 2025


Our fully trained Care Professionals support young people, adults and older people with care needs.

Head Office
Caring Together
L D H House
Parsons Green
St Ives
PE27 4AA

We can help you in your caring role

Ask for support