Upcoming events to help your pharmacy

13th September 21

A large proportion of people who look after family members and friends regularly go to pharmacies, where they receive not just advice regarding prescriptions, but on general health care and reassurance.

Research published in Carers Week showed people looking after a family member or friend rate their pharmacy as the most carer-friendly service they receive out of all community services across health, social care, work, transport and education.

Many carers do not know there is support and information available for them. If you are involved in a running a pharmacy Caring Together can help you identify and support carers, including signposting to support and services.

Carer Friendly Tick Award is a key piece of Caring Together’s work to help raise awareness of carers in the community and to help organisations to identify and support carers.

They have two sessions to be held on Teams where you can drop in to find out more about the Carer Friendly Tick Award and how you can identify and support carers:

Monday 11 October 12.30-1pm

Microsoft Teams meeting. Join on your computer or mobile app. Click here to join the meeting

Tuesday 19 October 1-1.30pm

Microsoft Teams meeting. Join on your computer or mobile app. Click here to join the meeting

Following this there is also a session on Carer Awareness Raising:

Tuesday 2 November 1-2pm

Microsoft Teams meeting. Join on your computer or mobile app. Click here to join the meeting

If you want to find out more about the Carer Friendly Tick Award or any of these events, please contact [email protected]