Helping teachers support young carers in applying for university

4th November 22

As part of our work to help young adult carers and young carers we are active in supporting ways to ensure they have the best possible opportunities to progress into different education, training or employment.

We are very grateful that the new edition of the The Teacher’s Guide to University has included a piece by Andy McGowan, our head of engagement, talking about how secondary schools and colleges can support young carers to apply for university.

Andy states in the guide, “In every classroom, every lab, every dance studio, in every college and sixth form across the country, there will be at least one or two pupils who are constantly juggling their studies with caring responsibilities for ill or disabled family members or friends – young carers

“Many of these young carers will have the potential to go onto higher education, and might want to, but will think they ‘can’t’ because of their caring responsibilities.”

The Guide produced by UniTasterDays in collaboration with HELOA, supports the university guidance that is provided in secondary schools and colleges.

The guide for teachers, careers colleagues and support staff, covers topics such as supporting students with their university decisions, university events and UCAS applications.

Click here to view The Teachers’ Guide to University or download.

Young Carers Challenge for schools

Andy’s advice to secondary schools on how to supports young carers to apply for university adds to our overall work on improving the awareness of young carers in education.

From spring 2023, young carers are for the first time going to be included on the school census return.

Ahead of this date, Caring Together, Centre 33, Young Carers Matter Norfolk and other young carer organisations in the area are setting a challenge to every school.

By the end of the academic year 2022-23, we would like as many schools as possible to:

  • Have a young carers champion.
  • Have a young carers policy/agreement.

Click here to find out more about the Young Carers Challenge for schools