There are a range of activities and events on the way for carers. See details below including how you can sign up to get involved.
Help to reduce stress if you look after someone with dementia
In January, Don’t Tone Alone will be running their next set of Mindfulness and Enerchi courses for carers supporting someone living with dementia.
You can sign up now to get involved.
There has been really positive feedback from carers who took part in the first set of courses including:
“The sessions have been extremely useful. They have taught me how to relax and to breathe properly.”
“Meeting with people who are now friends. The mindfulness is informative, comforting and soothing.”
“We found them extremely useful. I have used the strategies I learnt from them to relax and deal with stress. Helps with sleep and a positive outlook.”
“The classes are brilliant. They show me how to have a gentle workout and to get rid of stress.”
“The exercises are obviously geared to ability and age and we are given loads of encouragement and praise. Extremely useful.”
“My husband has dementia and is usually very reluctant to take part in the various activities that are available but he really looks forward to the Enerchi sessions and we both find them enervating and feel fitter after doing the exercises.”
Mindfulness with dementia
Mindfulness with Dementia is a course delivered by Don’t Tone Alone CIC that is there to help you feel less stressed and more in control of your emotions and mental well-being. The course provides carers and those they care for with tools to diffuse difficult situations, cultivate positive emotions, and reconnect with themselves and each other. The topics covered in the course involve breathing exercises and an introduction to mindfulness, anchoring, posture and mindful movement, and different ways to meditate. The course is delivered over zoom.
Enerchi is an exercise class that is more of a work-in than a workout. Using mindful movements taken from practices like QiGong and Tai Chi, the session helps you reconnect, re-energise, and recharge your body and mind. The sessions are highly inclusive as they involve gentle movements and last for roughly 50-minutes. (The movements are ideally performed standing but can be adapted for seated positions if necessary). Enerchi takes place over Zoom.
To register your interest for the next set of courses (and receive the information about the confirmed dates), ring 01480 499090 or e-mail [email protected]
Online exercise classes for carers
Are you a carer after some self-care, to keep fit and relax?
Don’t Tone Alone CIC are providing a free online exercise class for carers on Wednesday evenings. This will be a stretch and relaxation class based on the feedback carers have provided. It is felt that this will be the perfect compliment to any New Year resolution whether it be to ease gently into fitness, compliment an intense training plan, or even schedule time in the evenings. Click the link here to register!
For carers looking for even more opportunities, Don’t Tone Alone currently offer subsidised online exercise classes for carers looking after a family member or friend. Based on carers’ feedback, they have provided new class bundles to help carers access these services.