Time for Tea

Time for TeaHold a tea and cake get-together to support unpaid carers across Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Norfolk.

By holding a simple get-together with friends, neighbours or family, you can help support unpaid carers who urgently need support.

Time for Tea donation button

Your resources

We can also send you balloons and collection tins. Please contact us to request them for your get-together.

Why we want you to hold a Time for Tea get-together

Caring can be relentless. Many carers give up hours of their time every day to help a family member who is ill or disabled. Some are exhausted and worn out. With your help we can make sure carers get vital breaks from caring, as well as kind and compassionate support from our helpline, groups and hubs, and our expert counselling service.

How to hold your Time for Tea get-together

1. Think about who to invite. If you are holding your event at home you could invite family, friends and neighbours. If it will be at work, invite your colleagues.

2. Set a date and time. Remember to give your guests at least a couple of weeks’ notice. (You can download the template for a poster in the resources section above).

3. Decide whether you will provide the cakes/biscuits or whether you will suggest guests bring something to share. It doesn’t matter if the baked goodies are home-made or shop-bought.

4. Send out your invitations (see downloadable resources you can print off above). Remember to tell guests you are holding a Time for Tea fundraising get-together to raise money for local charity Caring Together.

5. On the day, let your guests know where to put their donations and ask them to add their details to the list of donations. This means we can boost their donations with Gift Aid. If they prefer, they can give online using the button below.
Time for Tea donation button

It is best if each person gives their own online donation as then donations can be gift aided – boosting their value at no cost to the person making the donation.

Cash donations?

Pay any cash donated into your account and send a cheque to Caring Together with a donation form. Click here to download the donation form [PDF, 74kB] and print this off.

Donation forms and cheques should be sent to:

Caring Together Charity, L D H House, Parsons Green, St Ives, Cambridgeshire PE27 4AA

If you have any questions please email [email protected]

Thank you for your kindness.