Do you care for someone with a learning disability and/or autism? Would they like to get their voice heard on issues that matter to them?
Russell Henke, a Speak Out Council Leader, invites them to come along to the Speak Out Council drop-in at the Riverside Park Cafe, St Neots, PE19 7SA on Monday 22 May, 1.00pm to 2.00pm.
Russell, who leads the Speak Out Council’s High Support Needs Committee, will be on hand to listen and chat to them about the things that are important to them. This is a good opportunity for them to get their voice heard on local services including transport and health services.
Liz Owen, from Access St Neots will be joining Russell at the drop-in.
The Speak Out Council works closely with the Learning Disability Partnership Board for Cambridgeshire and they talk to people from the Cambridgeshire County Council, the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System, sporting organisations, and service providers, including transport and highways.
For further information about the Speak Out Council, email [email protected] or call 07710098889
Click here to download the Speak Out drop-in poster [jpg, 164kb]