Emergency planning available for Norfolk young carers

21st October 20


Do you know a young carer? Would they know what to do in an emergency?

Emergency plans can help young carers in crisis situations by helping them to:

  • be prepared
  • know what to do
  • know who to turn to if necessary.

If you are supporting a young carer and their family, make sure:

  • they have an emergency plan
  • the plan is up to date
  • their emergency plan is shared with those who need to know and everyone knows what’s expected of them.

For further details on support available for young carers in Norfolk and to find the Young Carers Plan go to: https://www.youngcarersmatternorfolk.org/helping-you-care-as-a-young-carer/making-an-emergency-plan/

For more information and to find out support available for young carers, head to: https://www.caringtogether.org/support-for-carers/young-carers