If you are looking after someone this Christmas and New Year, make sure you have the help you need. Planning ahead and knowing where to go for support will help you and the person you care for.
While opening hours of some services, including our helpline, are different during Christmas and New Year, if you have an emergency plan registered with us this continues to be available 24/7 throughout the Christmas and New Year period.
You can see our opening times for the Christmas and New Year. If you feel you may need some support please do contact us early, we can then help ensure you have the help you need ready and in place.
- Monday 25 December: Closed
- Tuesday 26 December: Closed
- Wednesday 27 December: 9am – 4pm
- Thursday 28 December: 9am – 4pm
- Friday 29 December: 8.30am – 4.30pm
- Monday 1 January: Closed
- Tuesday 2 January: 8.30am – 5pm
Pharmacy opening times
You can find pharmacy opening times for the Christmas and New Year period by clicking here
And if you are away, and not near your usual pharmacy you can find a pharmacy near you at www.nhs.uk/service-search/pharmacy/find-a-pharmacy
Are you ready for the unexpected?
Do you have an emergency plan in place in case something happened meaning you could not carry out your caring responsibilities? These free services give both peace of mind and essential practical help if needed:
- In Cambridgeshire or Peterborough you can get a free What If? Plan, caringtogether.org/support-for-carers/adult-carers/emergency-planning
- To see how you can register your plan in Norfolk see carersmatternorfolk.org.uk/information-and-advice/your-rights/making-an-emergency-plan/
Help getting to your medical appointments
If you have a medical appointment of your own during the Christmas period you may find it harder than normal to attend it. Please do let us know if this is your situation as help is available, including with making sure the person you look after is cared for while you are at your appointment.
Planning with family and friends
Thinking ahead on your plans with family and friends will make life easier for you, the person you look after and those you will be with. This is particularly helpful if the person you care for needs routine or finds it beneficial to be clear on what is happening.
Speak with family and friends about plans, let them know any concerns you have. Manage people’s expectations and be realistic about what is doable for you, the person you care for and others.
Avoiding isolation
Christmas and New Year can be a time when some people feel isolated. Knowing you will be seeing other people who understand your caring role can be helpful. You can see details of our groups for carers at caringtogether.org/events/
And head to caringtogether.org/carers-directory for a wider range of organisations and services to help you.
NHS advice for you
The NHS also have advice available on staying well this winter. You can download:
Taking care of your mental health and wellbeing
You or the person you care for may benefit from support with your mental health and wellbeing. Support is available for both of you.
- For urgent help with mental health call the NHS on 111 and choose option 2.
- Talk to Samaritans anytime on 116 123. The support they offer is not just for people who are feeling suicidal.
- If you are under 19 you can contact Childline on 0800 1111.
- Qwell offers online counselling, wellbeing support and self-help resources for adults in Peterborough and Cambridgeshire – see cpslmind.org.uk/Qwell. Young people can also visit www.kooth.com
- Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust have resources about mental health conditions available at nsft.nhs.uk/mental-health-conditions
- If you are in Norfolk and feeling stressed, anxious, low or depressed then WellbeingNandS are available to help. You can visit their website at wellbeingnands.co.uk/norfolk/ or call their non-emergency number of 0300 123 1503.
- Norfolk and Waveney Mind have a range of support and resources available to help whether you are managing your own mental health problem or supporting someone else with theirs. See norfolkandwaveneymind.org.uk/ or call 0300 330 5488.
Emergency numbers
In an emergency call 999.
If you need help with your care or need to report an adult at risk of harm in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough you should call 01733 234724.
If you need help with your care or need to report an adult at risk of harm in Norfolk you can contact Norfolk County Council by phone or text relay.
- Telephone: 0344 800 8020 – this number is open 24 hours a day
- Text relay: 18001 0344 800 8020 – for people with hearing or speech impairments