Practical Guide to Supported Decision-Making

Practical Guide to Supported Decision-Making by Paradigm


9 Bective Road


Greater London

SW15 2QA

United Kingdom

People with learning disabilities, autism and other cognitive impairments face a constraint that few others do: being told they ‘lack capacity’ to make key decisions about their lives, and other people making decisions for them in their ‘best interests’ that may not reflect what they want.

Paradigm have produced a practical guide to supported decision making. This guide is for anyone who wants to grow their confidence and gain clarity in their role in upholding the rights of people with learning disabilities and all others in making their own decisions. You may be a family member, self-advocate, a paid supporter or a friend.

Supported Decision-Making is a basic human right that is highlighted in the ‘UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’ and is part of The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and The Care Act 2014.

To find out more or download the guide please click here to go to the Paradigm UK website


Services: Autism spectrum disorderLearning disabilityMental healthCoverage: NationalCambridge CityEast CambridgeshireFenlandHuntingdonshireSouth CambridgeshirePeterboroughBrecklandBroadlandGreat YarmouthKing’s Lynn and West NorfolkNorth NorfolkNorwichSouth Norfolk