Child Brain Injury Trust

Child Brain Injury Trust

Field View, Baynards Green Farm Trading Estate

Baynards Green

Nr Bicester


OX27 7SR

United Kingdom

The Child Brain Injury Trust was established by a group of health professionals in 1991 to research and provide information regarding the effects of ‘traumatic’ injury on a child’s developing brain.

Parents of children with acquired brain injury were keen to become actively involved with the charity and over time the emphasis on the work changed.

Today the Child Brain Injury Trust is the leading voluntary sector organisation providing emotional and practical support, information and learning opportunities for families and professionals affected by childhood acquired brain injury across the UK.

They work across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and have a dedicated team of professional staff and volunteers who give their expertise, commitment and energy every day. Families continue to be involved in the development of the charity and they continue to be amazed and enlightened by their resilience and strength.

Services: DisabilityCoverage: National