Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust

Elizabeth House, Fulbourn Hospital




CB21 5EF

United Kingdom

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) is dedicated to providing high quality care with compassion. They deliver many of the NHS services that are provided outside of hospital and in the community such as physical, mental health and specialist services. They are a health and social care organisation, providing:

  • Integrated physical and mental health services for adults and older people.
  • Specialist mental health and learning disability services.
  • Children and young people’s mental health services.
  • Children’s community services in Peterborough.
  • Social care.
  • Ground-breaking research.

CPFT supports around 100,000 people each year and employ more than 3,400 staff. Their largest bases are at the Cavell Centre, Peterborough, and Fulbourn Hospital, Cambridge, but staff are based in more than 90 locations. CPFT is a University of Cambridge Teaching Trust and member of Cambridge University Health Partners, working together with the University of Cambridge Clinical School.

Services: AdhaAlchohol drugsAutism spectrum disorderCancerDementiaDisabilityElderly frailLearning disabilityMental healthSensory impairmentStrokeAdvocacyCarers engagementCo productionFocus groupsSurveys consultationsCoverage: Cambridge CityEast CambridgeshireFenlandHuntingdonshireSouth CambridgeshirePeterborough