Wonderful Work Experience

6th February 17

I am Lindiwe Henry, a French student from the south of France. I came to Carers Trust Cambridgeshire for an internship during my final manager assistant course to improve my  English.

Instead, I had an amazing experience. I discovered a whole new world through Young Carers & Young Adult Carer. I had the chance to meet some of the incredible carers and be there at interviews about their life and what it’s like to be a carer.

I worked as part of a team. Everyone was very nice, always asking how I was doing and if I needed anything from advice to help and asking if I could help them I really felt like part of a wonderful team.

Despite a steep learning curve, Paul taught me valuable computer skills. At first, I feared I’d never be able to do what he could but he kept at it. Thank you.

This internship wasn’t just really helpful in improving my English it also proved working in England is very pleasant. I like the English lifestyle and greatly appreciate all my team members and their big heart.

Some highlights of what I got up to during my time here included:

  • Promoting support available to young carer and young adult carers at regional college
  • Helped at young carer school group
  • Visited young adult carers drop in
  • Attended regional awards evening
  • Visited London and much more

I thank everyone on the team for their patience and understanding and for making my internship unforgettable.

I especially want to say say “thank you” to the team , for giving me this chance to work with them.